What Is A Unicorn Card?
Unicorn Cards are included in each Unicorn Box we send.
They are a personal touch we add to make each child feel extra special when they open their package. We encourage children of all ages to get involved by coloring and decorating Unicorn Cards for inclusion in our Unicorn Boxes.
Print & gather up some supplies! Print the Unicorn Cards PDF double-sided. You can decorate a card with simply crayons, or you can use things such as stickers or stamps.
Writing on the card: We recommend writing uplifting messages on the card, such as Stay Strong, You Rock!, You Are Awesome, You Are Brave, You Inspire Me, I Believe In YOU!
Send Them To Us! You can drop off the cards at our HQ or mail them to us at 70 Schanck Road, Suite H, Freehold NJ 07728.